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Узнавать друг друга и о друг друге всегда интересно, новые друзья или кто-то кого нам кажется мы знаем хорошо, а может быть и очень близкий вам человек. Давайте узнаем друг друга получше или познакомимся заново. 

Psy-to-Nomics - Приятного Узнавания
Однажды компания Therapy-U создала игру "You Know", я адаптировала эту игру в свою практику. Работаем ли мы в индивидуальной терапии, семейной терапии или во время корпоративного тренинга, узнавать друг друга всегда здорово и интересно, а еще это делает нас ближе и помогает понимать друг друга. Ниже предложен добрый и веселый способ познакомиться и поговорить.

Изначально игра была создана как карточная игра, в которой игроку предлагалось выбрать любую карту из 4 категорий и ответить на вопрос, а также задать этот вопрос всем игрокам. Ответы могут стать началом интересной дискуссии, что и является основной задачей.

Вашему вниманию предложены карточки в электронном формате. Выбирайте любые и знакомьтесь и беседуйте.
    Категория 1
    Выбирайте любую карточку чтобы познакомиться поближе
    1 - Чтобы ты выбрал(а)...
    Жить 100 лет в будущем времени (как бы это было?)
    Жить 100 лет тому назад (почему?)
    Live 100 years in the future (what will it be like?)
    Live 100 years in the past (why?)
    1 - Чтобы ты выбрал(а)...
    Изменить что-то в себе (что?)
    Уметь читать мысли (почему?)
    Change something about yourself (what?)
    Be able to read minds (why?)
    2 - Чтобы ты выбрал(а)...
    Знать когда ты женишься/выйдешь замуж (как это будет?)
    Знать когда ты умрешь (как тебе это поможет?)
    Know when you will get married (what will it be like?)
    Know when you are going to pass away (how will this help you?)
    2 - Чтобы ты выбрал(а)...
    Исчезать когда ты закрываешь глаза (как бы ты это использовал(а)?)
    Уметь передвигать вещи при помощи мысли (как бы ты это использовал(а)?)
    Disappear when you shut your eyes (how would you use this?)
    Move things with your mind (how would you use this?)
    3 - Чтобы ты выбрал(а)...
    Не нравиться своим друзьям, но достигнуть многого (чего бы ты достиг(ла)?)
    Нравиться своим друзьям, но добиться немногого в жизни (почему?)
    Be disliked by friends but achieve much (what would you achieve?)
    Be liked by your friends but achieve little (why?)
    3 - Чтобы ты выбрал(а)...
    Быть главой собственной компании (какой компании?)
    Быть главой своей страны (чтобы ты сделал(а)?)
    Be the head of your own company (what type of company?)
    Be the leader of your country (what would you do?)
    4- Чтобы ты выбрал(а)...
    Чтобы твои родители всегда знали где ты (почему?)
    Чтобы твои родители всегда знали что ты собираешься сказать (почему?)
    Your parents always know where you are (why?)
    Your parents always know what you say (why?)
    4- Чтобы ты выбрал(а)...
    Застрять на лодке на месяц одному(й) (как бы ты проводил(а) время?)
    Застрять на лодке с кем то, кто все время разговаривает (что бы ты делал(а)?)
    Be stuck in a boat alone for a month (how would you pass time?)
    Be stuck with someone who won't stop talking (what would you do?)
    5- Чтобы ты выбрал(а)...
    Никогда не чувствовать боль (какая самая сильная боль которую ты испытывал(а)?)
    Никогда не испытывать чувства страха (чего ты боишься?)
    Never feel pain again (worst pain you have felt?)
    Never feel fear again (what are you afraid of?)
    5- Чтобы ты выбрал(а)...
    Познакомиться с твоим любимым актером/актрисой (кто это?)
    Чтобы кто-то кто ты хочешь уехал подальше (кто?)
    Meet your favorite person/celebrity (who would this be?)
    Have someone move away (who would this be?)
    6 - Чтобы ты выбрал(а)...
    Чтобы твои родители знали каждый раз когда ты используешь ругательства (почему люди ругаются?)
    Чтобы твои родители знали каждый раз когда ты обманываешь/врешь (почему люди обманывают?)
    Your parents know every time you cussed (why do people cuss?)
    Your parents know every time you lied (why do people lie?)
    6 - Чтобы ты выбрал(а)...
    Ходить в школу 5 дней в неделю только с мальчиками/девочками (ты бы скучал по противоположному полу?)
    Ходить в школу 3 раза в неделю но где все вместе (почему?)
    Go to school 5 days a week with the same gender (would you miss the others?)
    Go to school 3 days a week with the opposite gender (why?)
    7- Чтобы ты выбрал(а)...
    Рассказать свой самый большой секрет (кому бы ты рассказал(а)?)
    Ходить в трусах в школе весь день (было ли тебе окгда нибудь стыдно?)
    Tell your biggest secret (who do you tell secrets to?)
    Walk in your underwear all day at school (what's a time you were embarrassed?)
    7- Would you Rather...
    Never get to have a pet (what would you miss?)
    Have to take care of 10 pets (what would be hardest?)
    8 - Would you Rather...
    Live without arms (what would be hardest about this?)
    Live without your feet (how would this change things?)
    8 - Would you Rather...
    Never be sad or depressed (what makes you saddest?)
    Have 1 million dollars (what would you do with it?)
    9- Would you Rather...
    Have your own personal bodyguard (what would you use him for?)
    Be the most athletic kid in school (at what sport?)
    9- Would you Rather...
    Have to give a speech to the whole class (do you ever get nervous?)
    Cut your lawn with scissors (what makes you most nervous?)
    10 - Would you Rather...
    Take away something bad that you did (what did you do?)
    Be able to skip boring times (what bores you the most?)
    10 - Would you Rather...
    Have the perfect body but not be able to run (why?)
    Be the same as you are now (why?)
    11 - Would you Rather...
    Be shocked when you doubt yourself (when have you doubted yourself?)
    Be shocked when you say something foolish (why?)
    11 - Would you Rather...
    Be shocked when you doubt yourself (why?)
    Be shocked when you say something foolish (when have you doubted?)
    12 - Would you Rather...
    Have a friend that no one else can see (like what?)
    Have a personal assistant at school (how would they help?)
    13 - Would you Rather...
    Have to talk to 100 people every day (why?)
    Only get to talk to 1 person a week (who would you pick?)
    13 - Would you Rather...
    People think you were a liar (why?)
    People think you were a thief (why?)
    Section 2
    Pick any card and get to know each other
    1 - Would you Rather...
    Be able to add 10 years to your life (why?)
    Add 1 year to someone else's (whose?)
    1 - Would you Rather...
    Live to be a thousand years old (to accomplish what?)
    Live to be 100 for 10 lives (talk about one life)
    2 - Would you Rather...
    Have a thousand dollars to spend (what would you spend it on?)
    Have 1 million dollars to give away (who would you give it to?)
    2 - Would you Rather...
    Be able to change people's minds forever (how would you use this?)
    Be famous for a year (what would you do?)
    3 - Would you Rather
    Travel the world for 5 years (where would you enjoy most?)
    Live in your dream house (what would this look like?)
    3 - Would you Rather...
    Lose every time you play a game (what game are you best at?)
    Have no one want to play against you (what game would you miss?)
    4- Would you Rather...
    Be stuck in a warm, dark place (why?)
    Be stuck in a freezing, sunny place (why?)
    4- Would you Rather...
    Lose your ability to see (what would you miss?)
    Have a perfect vision but have 3 eyes (how would you adapt?)
    5- Would you Rather...
    Be able to erase people's memories (how would you use this?)
    Be able to erase your own memories (what would you erase?)
    5- Would you Rather...
    Be the smartest person in the country (how would you use this?)
    Be able to teleport anywhere (where would you go?)
    6 - Would you Rather...
    Be guaranteed wealth for the rest of your life (what would you use it for?)
    Be guaranteed happiness (why?)
    6 - Would you Rather...
    Live in the same town forever (what would be toughest?)
    Have to move every 2 years (where would you miss?)
    7- Would you Rather...
    Have one more brother or sister (why?)
    Have one less brother or sister (what don't you like?)
    7- Would you Rather...
    Live in a mansion and work every day (why?)
    Live in a shack working 1 day (what would you do the other days?)
    8 - Would you Rather...
    Be able to change one thing about you (what would you change?)
    Be able to change one thing about your family (what would you change?)
    8 - Would you Rather...
    Have any friends join your class at school (who?)
    Have someone moved to another class (who and why?)
    9- Would you Rather...
    Be able to hear everyone's thoughts (how would this help?)
    Be able to teleport anywhere (where would you go?)
    9- Would you Rather...
    Never be able to use electronics (why?)
    Never be able to talk to friends at school (why?)
    10 - Would you Rather...
    Always get 2nd place in everything (why?)
    Be last most of the time but occasionally 1st (why?)
    10 - Would you Rather...
    Be one of the first to live on a new planet (what would it be like?)
    Never step foot off earth (why?)
    11 - Would you Rather...
    Be known for being a nice person (why?)
    Be known for being talented (in what?)
    11 - Would you Rather...
    Everyone in your family has one wish (why?)
    Have 3 wishes all to yourself (what would you wish?)
    12 - Would you Rather...
    Have the answer to any 3 questions (what questions?)
    Be able to skip school for a year (what would you do?)
    13 - Would you Rather...
    Have to stay indoors forever (why?)
    Live outside forever (why?)
    13 - Would you Rather...
    Live with your favorite people on a glacier (who would you live with?)
    Live and travel anywhere, but always alone (where would you live?)
    Section 3
    Pick any card and get to know each other
    1 - Would you Rather...
    Lose your ability to hear (what will you miss most?)
    Lose your ability to speak (what will be hardest?)
    1 - Would you Rather...
    Be around people all day for a year (what would be hardest?)
    Be alone for a year (what would you do?)
    2 - Would you Rather...
    Change one thing about your appearance (what would you change?)
    Improve your skill level at something (what would that be?)
    2 - Would you Rather...
    Have a pet that will never pass away (what animal would it be?)
    Win the million-dollar lottery ( what would you do first?)
    3 - Would you Rather
    Lose your memory (except for people) (why would this be hard?)
    Lose your ability to see (what would you miss?)
    3 - Would you Rather...
    Be caught in a big lie (why?)
    Wear a funny haircut for a year (what crazy haircut?)
    4- Would you Rather...
    Be able to turn invisible ( how would you use this?)
    Be able to heal people (who would you heal?)
    4- Would you Rather...
    Live the life you currently have (what do you like about it?)
    Re-do your life and be able to make changes (what would you change?)
    5- Would you Rather...
    Live in a world with no crime but strict rules (why?)
    Live with no rules, but in a world full of crime (what would you do?)
    5- Would you Rather...
    Have no kids when you grow up (would you miss kids?)
    Have 10 kids when you grow up (what would be the toughest?)
    6 - Would you Rather...
    Change one thing about the world (what would you change?)
    Change one thing about yourself (what would you change?)
    6 - Would you Rather...
    Pick what you want to be when you grow up (what do you want to be?)
    Pick where you want to live (where?)
    7- Would you Rather...
    Lose your hair slowly over 10 years (why?)
    Lose your voice in 20 years (why?)
    7- Would you Rather...
    Have a 3-week summer break anywhere (where?)
    Have a regular summer break (how would you spend it?)
    8 - Would you Rather...
    Be the most popular kid in school (what would you do?)
    Be the smartest kid in school (why?)
    8 - Would you Rather...
    Be able to change one thing about you (what would you change?)
    Be able to change one thing about a friend (what would you change?)
    9- Would you Rather...
    Be embarrassed in front of the school (what things embarrass you?)
    Watch your best friend get embarrassed (what things embarrass you?)
    9- Would you Rather...
    Face your biggest fear every day (what's your biggest fear?)
    Never be able to leave your home (what's your biggest fear?)
    10 - Would you Rather...
    Live in the future 1 million years from now (what will it be like?)
    Live when dinosaurs lived on Earth (why?)
    10 - Would you Rather...
    Be rich but not famous (what would you do with it?)
    Be famous but not rich (famous for what?)
    11 - Would you Rather...
    Have the number one song on the radio (what kind of music?)
    Your family and friends never move away (why?)
    11 - Would you Rather...
    Never be able to drive (what would you do?)
    Live with your parents forever (why?)
    12 - Would you Rather...
    Be the lead singer of an average band (why?)
    Be a backup in the number 1 band (why?)
    13 - Would you Rather...
    Win 10,000 dollars now (what would you do?)
    Win 1 million dollars when you are 60 (why?)
    13 - Would you Rather...
    Lose your ability to walk (how would you adapt?)
    Lose your ability to see (why?)
    Section 4
    Pick any card and get to know each other
    1 - Would you Rather...
    Have the biggest backyard (what would you do?)
    Have the biggest TV (to use it for what?)
    1 - Would you Rather...
    Be tired but look great (why?)
    Look sleepy but feel rested (what would you do?)
    2 - Would you Rather...
    Be able to talk to someone no longer living (who?)
    Be able to fly for a day (where would you go?)
    2 - Would you Rather...
    Go without seeing friends for a year (what would you do?)
    Have no electricity for a year (what would be hardest?)
    3 - Would you Rather
    Your face turns blue when you are sad (when have you been sad?)
    Your nose grows longer when you lie (when have you lied?)
    3 - Would you Rather...
    Give up your favorite possession /toy (what would this be?)
    Dig holes for a whole day (why?)
    4- Would you Rather...
    Your friends always know where you are (why?)
    Your friends know everything you have said (why?)
    4- Would you Rather...
    Lose your ability to talk for a year (how would this change you?)
    Lose your ability to walk for a year (what would you do?)
    5- Would you Rather...
    Never feel depressed or sad (what makes you sad?)
    Never be afraid again (what are you afraid of?)
    5- Would you Rather...
    Wear the same clothes every day, but bather (what would you wear?)
    Change clothes daily, but never get to bathe (why is this important?)
    6 - Would you Rather...
    Spend all day with 10 of your friends (what would you do?)
    Spend all day with 1 of your friends (what would you do?)
    6 - Would you Rather...
    Get to have more pets (what kind of pet?)
    Have more friends (what would they be like?)
    7- Would you Rather...
    Have 2 Christmases every year (why?)
    Have 2 Birthdays every year (why?)
    7- Would you Rather...
    Not being able to read (what type of books do you like?)
    Not being able to play sports (what sport would you miss most?)
    8 - Would you Rather...
    Be able to rewind time (what would you rewind to?)
    Be able to know the future (what would you want to know?)
    8 - Would you Rather...
    Have 1,000 dollars to go shopping (where would you shop?)
    Have a secret hideaway (what would you use this for?)
    9- Would you Rather...
    Talk to the prettiest boy or girl in school (what would you talk about?)
    Clean the school toilets (do boys/girls make you nervous?)
    9- Would you Rather...
    Be able to re-play happy times (what's one of your happiest?)
    Be able to fast forward to sad times (when were your saddest?)
    10 - Would you Rather...
    Be able to speak with animals (who would you talk to?)
    Play video games for a living (what game?)
    10 - Would you Rather...
    Have a date with any girl/boy anytime you want (why?)
    Know the answers to every test question (why?)
    11 - Would you Rather...
    Be stranded for 5 years with friends (why?)
    Be stranded for 5 years with 5 celebrities (who?)
    11 - Would you Rather...
    Have 5 missing teeth (why?)
    Have knees that always hurt when you walk (why?)
    12 - Would you Rather...
    All your friends be better looking (why?)
    All your friends be smarter than you (why?)
    13 - Would you Rather...
    Be the last person on earth (what would you do?)
    Be with 100 other people (half are violent) (why?)
    13 - Would you Rather...
    Be on a magazine for being successful (what would it be in?)
    Be on a magazine for being attractive (why?)
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